Holy Sh*t, The Onion Employs Psychics.

Recent events and the current mid term elections have made for interesting media fodder. You’re likely aware of the satirical ‘news’ periodical “The Onion”, which is typically available free of charge in print – along with a nice array of videos available online if Bill O’Reilly isn’t enough outrageous comedy for you, or isn’t the type of low grade entertainment you are into.

One thing I noticed while flipping through a few of their videos – is that they have an uncanny knack for predicting events to come. You want examples, you say?

5. January 2008 – This same exchange could be applied to the U.S. media’s treatment of pretty much every African or Mid-Eastern country’s political situation.

4. February of 2009 – This came out during the ‘Flavor of Love” era of reality TV. They all but predicted the Jersey Shore show which ran from 12/2009-12/2012 and countless degrading reality shows since then.

3. In 2011, at least 2 years before Edward Snowden released documents confirming the U.S. government spying on it’s citizens, The Onion released this biting piece on Facebook being used to reduce agency costs at the CIA. Oddly enough, I couldn’t find this one on the Onion’s Youtube channel:

2. April 2011, analysts get worked up into quite a lather over Apple products in “Should the Nation’s Unemployed Be Buying New Apple Computers?”…not unlike the frenzy that kicks up every time Apple releases anything new.

ANNNNND…the crown jewel of this compilation. I’m sorry to report, in 2011 The Onion also predicted Izzy Agralea, or Aggrazilla…or whatever the fuck that obnoxious broad’s name is that did the song about booty with the aging former fly-girl. You know, the one who could only barely see the glint of a decent music career when she was playing Selena in a movie. I digress…here I present to you:


“There is no light in your eyes” the lady said. That’s accurate.

Dear Onion Psychic Network, please tell me there is a brighter future ahead. Or at least tell me that this one will be coming true too:

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